
Hidden in the Valley of the Loue, this little town has a rich history. Here, you will cross the paths of Eugene Cusenier and the absinth; Pierre Vernier, the inventor of the measuring instrument of the same name; Gustave Courbet (1819-1877), the famous realist painter; his new museum opened in 2013 draws enthusiasts from all over the world.
Nicknamed the "little Venice of Franche Comte", Ornans is a charming city with its old houses on the shores of the Loue river.
Amateurs will enjoy the activities around the river, such as fishing, kayak, canoe…
Its ideal location allows hundreds of outings in the valley or on the rocks over Ornans. From the via ferrata, the most athletics ones will enjoy an outstanding view over the city.

Ornans is listed in the "le 100 plus beaux détours" de France Michelin guide.

- Events:
Every summer, the flee-market and the crafts days draw people from all around.
Every two years, the Pow Wow is the greatest Indian festival in Europe.
The XTrem Loue is the mountain bikers place to be, during the first week-end of October.





The XTrem Loue is the mountain bikers place to be, during the first week-end of October.





Find all events around this year.

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